Category Archives: Citations

APA and Non-Traditional Sources

Examples of how to cite various web sources.
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ProQuest and APA

Double-check your Discussion Leader citation. Non-APA style will be marked down, per this note.


In class on Thursday, we had a short discussion on APA citations and ProQuest. After hearing the assertion that ProQuest provides inaccurate citations when students have the cites e-mailed to them (a claim that I had not heard from prior COM300 students), I double-checked — I wanted to see, myself, if the ProQuest system had changed dramatically.

Surprise (not)! ProQuest is quite explicit. For example, the first bit of information in the e-mail follows:


Ensure the accuracy and completeness of your bibliography by following the instructions at the bottom of the page. In particular, the formatting of author names and dates might need to be corrected and missing information may need to be filled in.

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